Many Danish entrepreneurs still believe that because they are mostly operating online, their carbon footprint is reduced by manifolds. But do you know that a single Google Search can amount to an average of 5gms of carbon in the environment!
So think of what kind of carbon may be emitted for browsing a webshop? Tons and tons of it for sure.
Luckily, in Denmark, there are many webshop løsning providers that are working towards “Green Web Development”, that rationally involve some strategic methods and technologies that aim to reduce the impact of web surfing and online shopping on the environment. Here’s an insight.
How Does Using The Internet Leaves Carbon Footprint
It is because that we cannot see the internet, it is radical to believe that all that virtual transaction does not leave an impact on the environment, however, the more you use the internet, cloud platforms, digital payments, the data that is processed all day, all time - is finally generated via millions of central data centers all across the world, powered by supercomputers that run on electricity, get overheated, and then cooled down using loads of electricity and sometimes even gallons of water. Green energy for using computers is still at a nascent stage. But it is a great thing that we are talking about it. So let us have a closer look at some of the design and development norms that can make your Webshop a little more sustainable.
Understanding Sustainable Webshop Design & Development Norms - According to Danish Professionals
The first thing that needs an understanding, is that you cannot control the radiation or the browsing time of users. If sustainable websites could pull the plug on digital pollution - they would. But it does not work like that. The changes are small, but when you put it all together, it definitely creates better, cleaner environments both virtually, and in real life.
● Start With Minimalism
Minimalism is not about not having something, it is about having proportionate measures of everything so that it does not turn up to be a burden - large files, bulky codes, complex graphics, extensive plugins - sometimes, you don’t need half of it. So take your pick from minimalistic templates and themes. Stay simple. Say more with less with crisp content, that doesn’t lose out on important elements, but is just sufficient for the goal.
● Better Hosting
A hosting plan that runs on renewable energy? That you can find in Denmark? Well, here is the thing - you don’t have to find it in your location. You can get in touch with overseas companies as well. Green web hosting is not yet a highly speculated trend, only a handful of providers use it, but it may just as well be the future, and certainly now is the very good time to start your eCommerce website to be hosted by one. Check with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to start your search - Google is working tirelessly towards carbon-neutral digitization, so if you are using a WordPress website, then using a WordPress host paired with GCP may be a great start to go green.
● Aim for Web Speed and Smooth Navigation
The speedier your website, and smoother the navigation, the less it is prone to lag, the less energy it consumes. So yes, whilst the videos and graphic animations look great on your site, they can in turn slow it down. And apart from the argument of how site speed can reduce carbon emission, it is also a factor that impacts your PageRank.
Final Word of Advice
Now, these changes or choices, have always been there - not that sustainable websites are a new trend or technological jargon to get you to spend more money - in fact, it is quite the opposite. Save money. Save time. Save the environment.
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